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Experts in you. From head to toe.

Our team of specialists spans from head to toe, addressing over 50 conditions through specialized programs. From cancer-related deformities to traumatic injuries, hand disorders to burn injuries, our core competencies cover the entire spectrum.



Foot, Ankle and Legs

Gender Affirmation

Hand, Wrist and Arms

Head and Neck

Nerve Reconstruction

Skin and Wounds

Patients who suffer from difficult and recurrent hernias can find new hope with BARs (Bony Anchored Reinforcement), an innovative procedure developed by the surgeons at The Institute for Advanced Reconstruction. The BARs technique provides support for the lower abdominal wall that is weakened through breast reconstruction. Performed by only a select few surgeons, it has proven to be very effective in restoring abdominal strength.
Capillary Malformation
Capillary malformations (CMs), commonly known as port wine stains, are permanent birthmarks on the face, neck, or scalp, appearing as red or purple spots that can grow larger and thicker over time.
Chest Wall Stabilization
After heart surgery, some patients may find that their sternum does not heal back together properly. Known as sternal nonunion and instability, this condition leaves patients with an unstable chest wall that can be painful or uncomfortable. Our surgeons specialize in chest wall stabilization, using titanium metal plates to give stability through a minimally-invasive procedure. Our technique has helped nearly 100 percent of patients find relief.
Chronic Hernias

Chronic hernias can cause persistent pain and complications. Our specialists offer advanced solutions for complex cases, including those with multiple recurrences. Using innovative techniques and materials, we aim to provide durable repairs, reduce pain, and improve quality of life for patients with long-standing hernia issues.

Chronic Testicular Pain
Persistent pain in the testicle or testicles can significantly interfere in daily activities and cause negative emotional and psychological side effects. Our experienced surgeons perform microsurgical denervation of the spermatic cord, an innovative procedure that interrupts pain signals to alleviate chronic testicular pain.
Episiotomy Pain
During child birth, a doctor may need to do an episiotomy where a cut is made in the perineum to widen the opening for the baby to come out. Recovery can be painful and some patients may develop nerve damage, called pudendal neuralgia, that causes intense pain and long-term pelvic discomfort.
Erectile Dysfunction
When pills and injections no longer work for those with erectile dysfunction, advanced surgery can help. Our state-of-the-art nerve transfer procedure employs a genitofemoral to cavernous nerve transfer to restore erectile function and change the lives of many who may have previously lost hope.
Hernia Repair
A hernia is a hole in the muscular wall of the abdomen through which intestines or other organs can protrude and be trapped under the skin. If these organs become compressed or strangulated, the results can be deadly, so it is important to take hernias seriously. We perform surgery to close the hole in the abdominal wall, mostly on an outpatient basis.
Our expert team specializes in treating various types of hernias using advanced surgical techniques. From minimally invasive repairs to complex reconstructions, we offer tailored solutions for each patient. Our goal is to provide durable repairs, minimize recurrence risk, and help patients return to normal activities quickly.
Obturator Nerve Pain
The obturator nerve is part of the peripheral nervous system in the groin and helps provide movement and sensation to the inner thigh and supports balancing, rotating, extending your leg, flexing your hip, and other motor functions. People with obturator nerve pain may experience pain, weakness, numbness, tingling, and changes in sensation in their groin area due to an obturator nerve injury. 
Piriformis Syndrome
When the piriformis muscles compress the sciatic nerve, it can lead to pain, tingling or numbness in the buttocks — a condition known as Piriformis Syndrome. When non-operative treatment has been exhausted, we offer hope with surgical intervention. Decompression of the sciatic nerve in the buttocks can help many patients find relief from their symptoms.
Preservation of Erectile Function
For patients undergoing pelvic surgeries, preserving erectile function is a crucial concern. Our specialized surgeons use nerve-sparing techniques and advanced interventions to maintain sexual function. We focus on comprehensive care, combining surgical expertise with supportive therapies to optimize outcomes and quality of life.
Pudendal Nerve Decompression Surgery
Pudendal neuralgia is caused by the entrapment, compression, or dysfunction of the pudendal nerve, leading to chronic pelvic pain. It can be very complex and difficult to treat. Our surgeons are experts in complicated nerve procedures, using pudendal nerve decompression surgery to relieve pain and discomfort.
Pudendal Nerve Entrapment Syndrome
Pudendal nerve entrapment can cause debilitating pelvic pain. Our specialists offer comprehensive care, from conservative treatments to advanced decompression surgeries. We focus on accurate diagnosis, relieving nerve compression, and addressing associated pelvic floor dysfunction to improve patients' comfort and quality of life.
Sports Hernias
Sports hernias can significantly impact athletic performance. Our team offers specialized care for these complex injuries, from conservative management to surgical repair. We focus on addressing the underlying cause, restoring core stability, and implementing tailored rehabilitation to help athletes return to their sport safely.
Sternal Nonunion
Sternal nonunion after cardiac surgery can cause significant pain and instability. Our thoracic specialists offer advanced treatments, from bone stimulation to complex reconstructive procedures. We focus on promoting bone healing, restoring chest wall stability, and improving patient comfort and respiratory function.
Vascular Anomalies
A vascular anomaly is a birthmark or growth resulting from an abnormal formation of arteries, veins, or capillaries, resulting in both functional and cosmetic issues for many. We take a multidisciplinary approach to treatment, combining medication, laser therapy, and advanced surgical procedures.
BRCA - Prophylactic Mastectomy & Reconstruction
Women who test positive for the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genetic mutations are at higher risk of developing breast cancer in their lifetime. As a preventative measure, many women elect to undergo a prophylactic (risk-reducing) mastectomy for one or both breasts, followed by breast reconstruction surgery.
Breast Cancer
Our multidisciplinary team provides comprehensive care for breast cancer patients, from diagnosis through reconstruction. We offer advanced surgical techniques, including nipple-sparing mastectomies and innovative reconstructive options. Our goal is to provide effective cancer treatment while optimizing aesthetic outcomes and quality of life.
Breast Reconstruction Revision Surgery

Discover top-quality breast reconstruction revision surgery in NJ, NY, & PA. Achieve the desired results with our expert breast reconstructive surgeons.

DIEP Flap Reconstruction
One of the most sophisticated surgeries we offer is a combination of implant-based reconstruction with an autologous flap procedure, most often deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap surgery or latissimus dorsi flap surgery. Combined procedures can help reduce the risk of implant-related complications and provide a more natural appearance than implant reconstruction alone—resulting in elevated patient satisfaction and a better quality of life.
Effects of Radiation on Breast Reconstruction

Learn the effects of radiation on breast reconstruction and complications - symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and available treatments for radiation-related changes in reconstructed breasts.

Explant Surgery
For patients experiencing complications or dissatisfaction with implanted devices, our specialists offer expert explant surgeries. From breast implants to orthopedic hardware, we provide careful removal procedures. Our focus is on safe extraction, managing potential complications, and supporting patients through the recovery process.
Fat Grafting
Achieve a natural-looking silhouette with a breast augmentation using fat grafting in NJ. Our expert fat transfer surgeons offer patients exceptional results.
Positive BRCA Gene
For individuals with BRCA gene mutations, we offer comprehensive risk management strategies. Our team provides expert genetic counseling, surveillance programs, and risk-reducing surgical options. We aim to empower patients with information and choices to manage their increased cancer risk effectively.
Post-Mastectomy Pain Syndrome

After a mastectomy, nerve pain can occur in the chest, armpit, shoulder, and/or arm. While pain after breast surgery is common, pain that persists for longer than three months may indicate post-mastectomy pain syndrome, or PMPS. We’re pleased to offer a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses pain with nerve surgery as well as reconstruction to minimize tissue deformities.

TRAM Flap Surgery

Learn about TRAM flap surgery for breast reconstruction after mastectomy. Understand the benefits, techniques, risks, and find skilled surgeons near you

Bone Grafting
Bone grafting is crucial for treating various orthopedic conditions. Our specialists use advanced techniques, including autografts, allografts, and synthetic materials, to promote bone healing and regeneration. We aim to restore skeletal integrity, enhance fusion procedures, and improve outcomes in fracture repair, spinal surgery, and joint reconstruction.
Chronic Joint Pain
Chronic joint pain can significantly impact quality of life. Our multidisciplinary team offers comprehensive care, from conservative treatments to advanced surgical interventions. We focus on identifying underlying causes, reducing inflammation, and improving joint function to help patients regain comfort and mobility in their daily activities.
Chronic Knee Pain
Chronic knee pain can significantly impact mobility and quality of life. Our orthopedic specialists offer comprehensive care, from conservative treatments to advanced surgical interventions. We focus on identifying underlying causes, reducing pain, and improving knee function to enhance patients' mobility and comfort.
Femoral Neuropathy
Femoral neuropathy causes individuals to lose sensation or the ability to properly move parts of their leg and occurs due to damage to the femoral nerve located between the upper thigh and groin on each leg. The femoral nerve helps with movement and sends signals to the brain to communicate sensations, including pain and temperature.
Foot Drop
Foot drop results in difficulty lifting the front of the foot, caused by an underlying condition that is often due to a nerve injury. To restore functionality, our expertly trained surgeons offer nerve decompression surgery, nerve reconstruction, tendon transfer, and more. Most patients experience full recovery, with improved mobility and no pain.
Knee Denervation
For patients with chronic knee pain resistant to traditional treatments, knee denervation offers an alternative solution. Our skilled surgeons perform precise procedures to interrupt pain signals from the knee joint. This minimally invasive technique can significantly reduce pain and improve function without compromising joint stability.
Limb Paralysis
Paralysis is the loss of the ability to move some or all of the body. It can have many different causes, and it may be temporary or permanent. If you are experiencing permanent paralysis due to an accident or a stroke, our team can offer hope with reconstructive nerve techniques to help restore function.
Limb Salvage
When a limb is threatened by disease or trauma, our reconstructive plastic surgeons work together to develop a comprehensive, multidisciplinary plan to save the limb and/or maximize the function of the limb. Our surgeons use a combination of techniques for limb salvage, including skin flap surgery and nerve grafts — embracing a holistic approach that helps us achieve superior outcomes.

Lipedema is a chronic condition characterized by abnormal fat accumulation in the legs, thighs, buttocks, and sometimes arms. Our specialized surgeons offer advanced lipedema reduction surgery, a modified form of liposuction that preserves lymphatic vessels. This procedure can significantly improve mobility, reduce pain, and enhance quality of life. Unlike typical obesity, lipedema fat is resistant to diet and exercise. Our comprehensive approach addresses both physical symptoms and emotional well-being, helping patients regain confidence and comfort in their bodies.

Meralgia Paresthetica
Meralgia paresthetica causes numbness and pain in the outer thigh. Our specialists offer comprehensive care, from conservative treatments to minimally invasive nerve releases. We focus on relieving compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve to reduce symptoms and improve comfort during daily activities.
Morton's Neuroma
The Institute for Advanced Reconstruction offers peroneal nerve injury surgeries for those suffering from Morton's Neuroma. Learn more about Morton's Neuroa treatment and symptoms.
Nerve Decompression Surgery in Foot
Nerve compression in the foot can cause significant pain and dysfunction. Our specialized surgeons perform precise decompression procedures to relieve pressure on affected nerves. By carefully releasing constricting tissues, we aim to reduce pain, restore sensation, and improve overall foot function for enhanced mobility and comfort.
Neuroma & Phantom Limb Pain
After the loss of a limb, some patients experience chronic pain, either due to a neuroma in the residual limb or from phantom limb pain in a limb that has been amputated. This burning, aching, or electric-type pain can significantly impact a patient’s quality of life and functionality. Our advanced nerve surgery techniques, such as Targeted Muscle Reinnervation (TMR) surgery, can restore function to remaining muscles and alleviate pain.
Peroneal Nerve Compression
Peroneal nerve compression can cause foot drop and leg weakness. Our specialists offer tailored treatments, from conservative management to surgical decompression. We aim to relieve nerve pressure, restore proper muscle function, and improve gait to enhance patients' mobility and quality of life.
Plantar Fasciitis
When the ligament supporting the arch of the foot becomes inflamed, pain can occur at its attachment to the heel bone, leading to a condition known as plantar fasciitis. Our treatment options for plantar fasciitis include Plantar Denervation and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection Therapy, two groundbreaking techniques that help you achieve pain-free walking.
Reconstructive Surgeries
When injuries in your lower extremities interfere in your ability to live your best life, we can help. Our foot and ankle specialists perform advanced nerve surgery to treat conditions affecting the lower extremities, such as foot drop, neuroma formation, phantom limb pain, and more. With our groundbreaking care, patients are able to regain independence and comfort.
Our vascular specialists perform advanced revascularization procedures to restore blood flow in various body areas. From minimally invasive techniques to complex bypasses, we offer tailored solutions for each patient. Our goal is to improve circulation, prevent tissue loss, and enhance overall quality of life.
Sciatica can cause debilitating leg pain and numbness. Our expert team provides comprehensive care, from conservative treatments to minimally invasive procedures. We focus on identifying the underlying cause, relieving nerve compression, and addressing associated back issues to help patients regain comfort and function.
Targeted Muscle Reinnervation (TMR)
TMR is an innovative procedure for amputees experiencing phantom limb pain or seeking improved prosthetic control. Our specialized surgeons rewire residual nerves to new muscle sites, reducing pain and allowing for more intuitive prosthetic function. This advanced technique can significantly enhance amputees' quality of life and prosthetic capabilities.
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Tarsal tunnel syndrome can cause significant foot pain and dysfunction. Our foot and ankle specialists offer comprehensive care, from conservative approaches to surgical decompression. We aim to relieve pressure on the tibial nerve, reduce symptoms, and improve overall foot function for enhanced comfort and mobility.
Gender Affirmation
We understand that everyone's journey is unique. Whether you are cis, trans, or non-binary, we work closely with you to identify the best surgical and nonsurgical options to meet your needs, expectations, and goals. Our variety of feminizing and masculinizing procedures follow a multidisciplinary approach informed by the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) guidelines.
When limb preservation is not possible, our experienced surgeons perform amputations with a focus on future function. We carefully consider prosthetic options, preserve nerve function, and shape residual limbs to optimize comfort and mobility. Our comprehensive approach includes post-operative care and rehabilitation to support patients' recovery and adaptation.
Arm & Hand Paralysis
When the nerve plexuses in the arm are damaged, it can lead to arm or hand paralysis, greatly impacting quality of life. We offer nerve transplant surgery to restore function for those with severely damaged nerves. Working with an expert team of transplant specialists, neurologists, immunologists, and infectious disease specialists, we are one of only a handful of centers in the United States that offer this treatment, which draws patients from around the world.
ARMS Clinic
The Amputation Rehabilitation Medicine and Surgery (ARMS) Center provides holistic care for patients with limb loss. Our elite team integrates surgery, prosthetics, rehabilitation, and mental health services to optimize recovery. Through innovative ARMS Care Days, patients receive coordinated treatment from multiple specialists in one visit, enhancing outcomes and quality of life.
Our multidisciplinary team offers comprehensive care for various types of arthritis affecting the upper extremities. From conservative treatments to advanced surgical interventions, we tailor our approach to each patient's needs. Our goal is to reduce pain, preserve joint function, and improve overall quality of life for those with arthritis.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause significant hand pain and dysfunction. Our hand surgery experts offer comprehensive care, from conservative treatments to minimally invasive surgical release. We aim to relieve pressure on the median nerve, reducing symptoms and helping patients regain comfort and function in their daily activities.
Chronic Numbness
Persistent numbness in the upper extremities can indicate underlying nerve issues. Our specialists provide comprehensive evaluations and targeted treatments, from conservative approaches to surgical interventions. We aim to identify the cause, relieve nerve compression, and restore proper sensation for improved hand function.
Chronic Pain
Chronic pain in the upper extremities can severely impact quality of life. Our multidisciplinary team offers comprehensive management, from medication and therapy to advanced interventional techniques. We focus on identifying pain sources, developing tailored treatment plans, and helping patients regain comfort and function.
CMC Thumb Arthritis
CMC thumb arthritis can severely impact hand function and daily activities. Our specialized hand surgeons offer a range of treatments, from conservative options to advanced surgical procedures. We aim to reduce pain, improve mobility, and restore strength in the thumb, allowing patients to regain independence in their daily lives.
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Cubital tunnel syndrome results from compression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow. Our specialists offer a range of treatments, from conservative approaches to surgical decompression. We focus on relieving nerve pressure, reducing symptoms, and improving hand function to enhance patients' comfort and capabilities.
De Quervain's Tenosynovitis
De Quervain's tenosynovitis causes pain and limitation in thumb and wrist function. Our hand specialists offer tailored treatments, from conservative approaches to minimally invasive surgery. We aim to reduce tendon irritation, alleviate pain, and restore comfortable thumb and wrist movement for improved daily activities.
DIP Arthritis
Distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint arthritis affects fingertip function and dexterity. Our expert hand surgeons provide tailored treatments to address pain and stiffness in these small but crucial joints. From specialized splints to joint fusion procedures, we help patients maintain finger function and improve their quality of life.
Distal Radius Fractures
Distal radius fractures are common wrist injuries that can significantly impact hand function. Our orthopedic specialists offer comprehensive care, from casting to advanced surgical techniques. We focus on restoring proper alignment and stability to promote optimal healing and help patients regain wrist strength and mobility.
Elbow & Forearm
Elbow and forearm fractures can significantly impact upper extremity function. Our skilled orthopedic surgeons provide specialized care, from casting to complex surgical repairs. We focus on precise alignment and stable fixation to promote optimal healing, preserve joint function, and help patients regain strength and mobility.
Extensor Tendon Injuries
Extensor tendon injuries can significantly impact finger and hand function. Our hand surgery specialists offer expert care, from splinting to intricate surgical repairs. We focus on restoring tendon continuity, promoting proper healing, and implementing tailored rehabilitation to help patients regain full finger extension and hand function.
Failed Hand Surgery
For patients who've experienced unsatisfactory results from previous hand surgeries, our expert team offers hope. We provide comprehensive evaluations and tailored revision surgeries to address persistent issues. Our goal is to improve hand function, reduce pain, and help patients achieve the outcomes they initially sought.
Flexor Tendon Injuries
Flexor tendon injuries require specialized care to ensure optimal healing and function. Our hand surgery experts perform intricate repairs using advanced techniques. We focus on restoring tendon continuity, minimizing adhesions, and implementing tailored rehabilitation to help patients regain full finger flexion and hand dexterity.
Our orthopedic trauma specialists provide expert care for a wide range of fractures. From simple breaks to complex, multi-fragment injuries, we offer comprehensive treatment using the latest techniques. Our goal is to promote proper healing, restore function, and help patients return to their normal activities as quickly as possible.
Guyon's Canal Syndrome
Guyon's canal syndrome involves compression of the ulnar nerve at the wrist. Our hand surgery experts provide specialized care, from conservative management to surgical decompression. We aim to relieve pressure on the nerve, reduce symptoms, and restore proper hand function for improved daily activities.
Hand & Upper Extremity
Problems with the upper extremities can cause functional impairments and chronic pain, which can significantly impact quality of life. We offer advanced treatments, such as nerve transfers and targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR), to help patients regain functionality in their shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hands. Our patient-centered approach to treatment allows us to deliver superb outcomes.
Hand Reconstruction
When patients suffer a traumatic injury or illness that affects their hands, we can provide advanced surgical treatment to help restore function. We’re proud to offer a unique operation to restore the most important part of our hands: our fingers. Our toe-to-hand transplant has helped many patients achieve better function and movement.
Hand, Finger, Arm Replantation & Reattachment
Our specialized team performs intricate microsurgical procedures to reattach severed limbs or digits. Using advanced techniques, we reconnect blood vessels, nerves, bones, and soft tissues. Successful replantation can restore function and sensation, allowing patients to regain use of their hand, fingers, or arm after traumatic injuries.
Joint Denervation
For patients with chronic joint pain resistant to traditional treatments, joint denervation offers relief. Our skilled surgeons precisely interrupt pain signals from affected joints without compromising function. This minimally invasive procedure can significantly reduce pain and improve mobility in various joints, enhancing patients' quality of life.
Lymphedema causes abnormal fluid buildup, leading to swelling that can restrict range of motion. We are among the few physicians in the world offering advanced treatment for lymphedema. Our cutting-edge microsurgical procedures, such as lymphaticovenous anastomosis (LVA), give patients pain-free movement.
Metacarpal Fractures
Metacarpal fractures can affect hand strength and dexterity. Our hand surgery experts provide specialized care, from conservative management to surgical fixation. We aim to restore proper alignment, promote healing, and preserve joint function, helping patients regain full use of their hand for daily activities.
Nerve Injuries
Our expert team specializes in treating a wide range of nerve injuries affecting the upper extremities. From simple compressions to complex lacerations, we offer comprehensive care using advanced microsurgical techniques. Our goal is to restore nerve function, improve sensation, and help patients regain strength and dexterity.
Nerve Lacerations
Nerve lacerations require prompt, expert care to optimize recovery. Our specialized surgeons perform intricate microsurgical repairs to reconnect damaged nerves. We focus on precise alignment and tension-free repairs to promote optimal nerve regeneration, aiming to restore sensation and function to affected areas.
Non-healing Fractures / Non-union Bones
Non-healing fractures require specialized care to promote bone union. Our orthopedic experts offer advanced treatments, from bone stimulation to complex surgical interventions. We focus on creating an optimal environment for healing, using techniques like bone grafting and stable fixation to help patients achieve full recovery.
Persistent Stiffness
Persistent joint stiffness can significantly impact upper extremity function. Our specialists offer comprehensive care, from targeted therapy to surgical interventions. We focus on improving range of motion, reducing pain, and enhancing overall function to help patients regain comfort and capability in their daily activities.
Phalanx Fractures
Finger fractures require expert care to ensure proper healing and function. Our hand surgeons offer tailored treatments, from splinting to precise surgical repairs. We focus on restoring alignment, preserving joint mobility, and promoting optimal healing to help patients regain finger dexterity and strength.
PIP Arthritis
Proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint arthritis can severely impact finger function. Our hand surgery experts offer a range of treatments, from specialized splints to joint replacement or fusion procedures. We aim to reduce pain, improve mobility, and preserve hand function, allowing patients to perform daily tasks more comfortably.
Post Trauma
Our multidisciplinary team specializes in managing complex post-traumatic conditions of the upper extremities. From persistent pain to functional limitations, we offer comprehensive care tailored to each patient's needs. Our goal is to optimize healing, restore function, and improve quality of life after traumatic injuries.
Pronator Teres Syndrome
Pronator teres syndrome results from median nerve compression in the forearm. Our specialists offer comprehensive care, from conservative treatments to surgical release. We focus on relieving nerve pressure, reducing symptoms, and improving hand function to enhance patients' comfort and capabilities in daily life.
Radial Tunnel Syndrome
Radial tunnel syndrome involves compression of the radial nerve in the forearm. Our expert team provides tailored treatments, from conservative approaches to surgical decompression. We aim to relieve nerve pressure, reduce pain, and improve arm and hand function for enhanced comfort and capability.
Rheumatoid Arthritis in Hand
Rheumatoid arthritis can cause significant hand deformities and functional limitations. Our multidisciplinary team provides comprehensive care, from medical management to advanced surgical reconstructions. We focus on preserving joint function, reducing pain, and improving hand dexterity to enhance patients' quality of life and independence.
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Rotator cuff injuries can severely limit shoulder function and cause significant pain. Our orthopedic specialists offer comprehensive care, from conservative management to advanced surgical repairs. We aim to restore shoulder strength, improve range of motion, and help patients return to their daily activities with comfort.
Scaphoid Fractures
Scaphoid fractures can be challenging due to the bone's unique blood supply. Our hand surgery specialists offer expert care, from casting to advanced surgical techniques. We focus on promoting proper healing, preserving wrist function, and preventing complications like avascular necrosis or arthritis.
Shoulder & Elbow Arthritis
Arthritis in the shoulder and elbow can significantly limit upper extremity function. Our orthopedic specialists offer comprehensive care, from conservative management to joint replacement surgery. We focus on reducing pain, improving range of motion, and helping patients return to their daily activities with greater comfort and mobility.
Suprascapular Nerve Entrapment
Suprascapular nerve entrapment can cause shoulder pain and weakness. Our specialists offer comprehensive care, from conservative management to surgical decompression. We focus on relieving nerve pressure, reducing symptoms, and improving shoulder function to enhance patients' comfort and range of motion.
Targeted Muscle Reinnervation (TMR)
TMR is an innovative procedure for amputees experiencing phantom limb pain or seeking improved prosthetic control. Our specialized surgeons rewire residual nerves to new muscle sites, reducing pain and allowing for more intuitive prosthetic function. This advanced technique can significantly enhance amputees' quality of life and prosthetic capabilities.
Tendon Injuries
Our expert team specializes in treating a wide range of tendon injuries in the upper extremities. From acute ruptures to chronic tendinopathies, we offer comprehensive care using advanced techniques. Our goal is to restore tendon function, improve strength, and help patients regain mobility for enhanced daily activities.
Tendonitis in the upper extremities can cause significant pain and functional limitations. Our specialists offer comprehensive care, from conservative treatments to minimally invasive procedures. We focus on reducing inflammation, promoting healing, and addressing underlying causes to help patients regain comfort and function.
Tennis & Golfer's Elbow
Tennis and golfer's elbow can cause significant pain and functional limitations. Our specialists offer comprehensive care, from conservative treatments to minimally invasive procedures. We focus on reducing tendon inflammation, promoting healing, and addressing biomechanical issues to help patients return to their activities pain-free.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Thoracic outlet syndrome can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the arm and hand. Our multidisciplinary team offers comprehensive care, from conservative management to surgical decompression. We focus on relieving nerve and vascular compression to improve symptoms and restore upper extremity function.
Toe-to-Finger Transplant
For patients with finger loss, toe-to-finger transplantation can restore hand function. Our expert microsurgeons carefully transfer a toe to replace a missing finger, reconnecting blood vessels and nerves. This intricate procedure can significantly improve hand dexterity, strength, and appearance, enhancing patients' daily activities and quality of life.
Trigger Finger
Trigger finger can cause pain and locking of affected digits. Our hand surgery experts offer a range of treatments, from conservative approaches to minimally invasive releases. We aim to reduce tendon irritation, restore smooth finger motion, and alleviate pain, helping patients regain comfortable hand function.
Wrist Arthritis
Wrist arthritis can severely impact hand function and daily activities. Our specialized hand surgeons offer a spectrum of treatments, from conservative approaches to advanced surgical interventions. We aim to reduce pain, improve mobility, and restore wrist function, helping patients regain comfort and capability in their daily lives.
Wrist Drop
Wrist drop, often caused by radial nerve injury, can significantly impact hand function. Our expert team offers comprehensive care, from splinting to nerve repair or tendon transfer surgeries. We aim to restore wrist and finger extension, improving hand function and helping patients regain independence in daily activities.
Wrist, Hand & Finger
Fractures in the wrist, hand, and fingers require expert care to ensure proper healing and function. Our hand surgery specialists offer tailored treatments, from casting to intricate surgical repairs. We aim to restore alignment, preserve mobility, and help patients regain dexterity for improved function in daily activities.
Blepharoplasty - Eyelid Surgery
Blepharoplasty can rejuvenate tired-looking eyes by addressing excess skin and fat in the eyelids. Our expert surgeons perform precise procedures to improve both appearance and function. We aim to create a more alert, youthful look while potentially improving peripheral vision obstructed by sagging lids.
Cervicogenic Headaches
Cervicogenic headaches can cause crushing pain within the temporal or frontal regions of the head. Originating in the neck, they are often caused by injury to the cervical spine or compression of the occipital nerves on the back of the head. Our advanced treatments, such as Botox® injections and nerve decompression surgery, offer the chance at pain-free living.
Corneal Anesthesia
Your cornea is the transparent "window" layer that covers your eyes. When the nerve that provides sensation to the cornea is damaged, it can cause a rare condition known as corneal anesthesia, which could result in vision loss. Our innovative corneal reinnervation surgery — offered by only a few surgeons in the world — utilizes a nerve transplant to restore feeling and reinstate vision.
Craniofacial Surgery
A subspecialty of plastic surgery, craniofacial surgery treats conditions that affect the bones and soft tissues of the head and face, such as cleft lip with or without cleft palate surgery and vault remodeling of the skull. With surgeons who have completed specialized fellowships in craniofacial surgery, we help patients develop normal speech development and feeding ability.
Up to 50 percent of people who suffer from a stroke may develop dysphagia, difficulty swallowing that is often painful. Sometimes, dysphagia is severe enough to require a feeding tube for nutrition and tracheostomy tubes for mucous secretions. We offer revolutionary nerve reconstruction surgery that transplants nerves to restore function to the larynx — allowing patients to eat normally again.
Face Lift
Our expert plastic surgeons perform advanced facelift techniques to rejuvenate facial appearance. We focus on natural-looking results, addressing sagging skin, deep creases, and loss of muscle tone. Our goal is to enhance facial contours, restore a more youthful appearance, and boost patients' confidence.
Facial Paralysis
Facial expressions are a vital part of communication. When patients lose the ability to express themselves due to facial paralysis from stroke, acoustic neuroma surgery, Bell’s palsy, or trauma, we offer a chance for healing with microsurgical nerve reconstruction surgery. Our innovative procedures include cross-facial grafting, gracilis free flap, hypoglossal or masseter nerve transfers, and many other types of nerve repair and transfers.
Facial Paralysis Surgery
Our specialized surgeons offer advanced procedures to treat facial paralysis. From nerve grafts to muscle transfers, we provide tailored solutions to restore facial movement and symmetry. Our goal is to improve facial function, enhance emotional expression, and boost patients' confidence and quality of life.
Facial Reconstruction
Our advanced head and neck reconstruction surgical treatments address the functionality and aesthetics of the face, jaw, ears, and skull. Head and neck surgery can help rebuild the face and neck after removing tumors, correct deformities and abnormalities, or aid in slow wound healing. We use flap surgery, skin grafts, and more to help patients look and feel their best.
Graves Disease
Also known as Graves’ ophthalmopathy, this condition affects the orbit around the eye, causing swelling, redness, bulging eyes, and more. Orbital decompression surgery is a revolutionary procedure offered at our clinic to alleviate symptoms and prevent more serious consequences that can occur in extreme cases.
Hypoglossal Nerve Surgery
Hypoglossal nerve damage can cause tongue paralysis, affecting speech, swallowing, and breathing. Our specialized surgeons perform advanced hypoglossal nerve repair and reconstruction procedures to restore tongue function and improve quality of life. Using microsurgical techniques, we can reanimate the tongue, helping patients regain vital abilities for daily living and communication.
Neurotrophic Keratitis / Keratophathy
This rare degenerative eye condition results from damaged corneal nerves. Our specialists offer advanced treatments to protect the cornea and promote healing. From specialized eye drops to cutting-edge nerve reconstruction procedures, we provide comprehensive care to preserve vision, reduce pain, and prevent further corneal damage in affected patients.
Occipital Neuralgia

Occipital neuralgia is when the nerves that run from the top of the spinal cord up through the scalp are injured or inflamed, resulting in painful headaches and tenderness or diminished sensation around the area of the nerve. Our innovative procedures, including Botox® injections and nerve decompression surgery, have helped many headache patients break free from pain.

Orbital Decompression
Orbital decompression surgery relieves pressure within the eye socket caused by conditions like thyroid eye disease. Our expert surgeons carefully expand the orbital space to reduce eye bulging, alleviate pain, and improve vision. This intricate procedure can significantly enhance both the function and appearance of affected eyes, restoring patients' comfort and confidence.
Orthognathic Surgery
Orthognathic surgery corrects jaw and facial skeletal irregularities, improving function and appearance. Our skilled surgeons realign the jaws and teeth to enhance chewing, speaking, and breathing. Using advanced techniques, we address severe bite problems, facial asymmetry, and TMJ disorders. This transformative procedure can alleviate sleep apnea, boost confidence, and significantly improve quality of life for patients with jaw misalignments.
Pediatric Craniofacial Surgery
Pediatric craniofacial surgery is a term that refers to any surgical procedure used to treat conditions affecting a child’s skull or face, such as congenital anomalies or trauma-related injuries.
Pharyngeal Plexus Surgery
The pharyngeal plexus controls critical swallowing and speech functions. Our specialized surgeons perform delicate procedures to repair or reconstruct damaged pharyngeal nerves, addressing issues like dysphagia or voice changes. Using advanced microsurgical techniques, we aim to restore proper nerve function, improving patients' ability to eat, drink, and communicate effectively.
Platysmaplasty - Neck/Chin
Platysmaplasty addresses sagging neck skin and muscle bands for a more defined neck and jawline. Our skilled surgeons use advanced techniques to tighten the platysma muscle and remove excess skin. We aim to create a smoother, more youthful neck contour, enhancing overall facial harmony.
Post Traumatic Headache
Up to 75% of people who suffer from a mild head injury experience headaches, and up to 30% of those sufferers develop long-term, chronic pain. Headaches that develop as a result of an injury, such as a car accident or a fall, are classified as post-traumatic headaches. Our innovative nerve decompression surgery can reduce inflammation to provide near-total relief.
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Surgery

Damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve can cause voice changes or breathing difficulties. Our skilled surgeons perform precise microsurgical procedures to repair or reconstruct this vital nerve. By restoring proper nerve function, we help patients regain their voice, improve breathing, and enhance overall quality of life.

TMJ Headache

Sometimes, chronic headaches occur as a result of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, which result from hyperactivity of the jaw muscles or abnormal contact between bony surfaces. Along with jaw pain, aching may radiate to the side of the head. We offer comprehensive treatment to eliminate your pain, including TMJ denervation.

Vocal Cord Paralysis
After a stroke, patients may experience vocal cord dysfunction, which manifests as a hoarse and/or weakened voice. Though recovery can occur over time, the condition can become permanent for some. Traditional procedures do not restore normal muscle function to damaged areas. We aim to change that with our advanced microsurgical nerve reconstruction surgery, which transplants nerves to reverse vocal cord dysfunction.
Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy occurs when the peripheral nervous system is damaged due to cancer treatment drugs. When these nerves get damaged, sensations in your skin, muscles, and joints can change, causing pain and difficulty with fine motor skills that can interfere with everyday life. The condition can involve a single affected nerve or many nerves symmetrically on both sides of the body. 
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

Discover the causes, symptoms, and risk factors of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), a chronic and debilitating condition. Learn about effective treatments here!

Decompression Surgery
Our expert surgeons perform various decompression procedures to relieve pressure on nerves throughout the body. From carpal tunnel release to spinal decompressions, we use advanced techniques to alleviate symptoms. Our goal is to improve nerve function, reduce pain, and enhance overall quality of life.
Diaphragm Paralysis
Your phrenic nerve communicates with your diaphragm, which controls your ability to breathe. Damage to the phrenic nerve can lead to diaphragm paralysis. Our surgeons pioneered world-class treatment for phrenic nerve injury in order to reverse diaphragm paralysis. We are the only known center in the world to offer innovative surgical treatment for phrenic nerve damage.
Knee Denervation
For patients with chronic knee pain resistant to traditional treatments, knee denervation offers an alternative solution. Our skilled surgeons perform precise procedures to interrupt pain signals from the knee joint. This minimally invasive technique can significantly reduce pain and improve function without compromising joint stability.
Nerve Compression Syndrome
Nerve compression syndrome can occur when tissue swelling or damage puts pressure on a peripheral nerve connected to a limb, such as your wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip, buttock, or leg. There are many types of nerve compression syndromes, some of which you may have heard of before. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common type of nerve compression syndrome.
Nerve Grafts
For nerve injuries with gaps, our specialized surgeons perform advanced nerve graft procedures. Using either the patient's own nerves or processed allografts, we bridge nerve defects to promote regeneration. Our goal is to restore nerve continuity, improve function, and reduce pain in affected areas.
Nerve Reconstruction Surgery
When patients experience disfiguring or disabling disease and trauma, nerve reconstruction can provide new hope for healing. Our world-renowned physicians have pioneered several advanced procedures, including our groundbreaking phrenic nerve reconstruction surgery and brachial plexus reconstruction. We use specialized techniques to restore form and function through nerve grafts, nerve transfers, nerve transplants, and more. 
Nerve Transfers
Nerve transfer surgery is an innovative technique for treating certain nerve injuries. Our expert surgeons redirect functioning nerves to reinnervate paralyzed muscles or sensory-deprived areas. This approach can restore critical functions, particularly in brachial plexus injuries or facial paralysis cases.
Nerve Transplantation
For severe nerve injuries, our specialized surgeons perform advanced nerve transplantation procedures. Using donor nerve grafts or the patient's own nerves, we bridge gaps in injured nerves. Our goal is to restore nerve continuity, promote regeneration, and improve function in affected limbs or areas.
Piriformis Syndrome
Piriformis syndrome can cause buttock pain and sciatica-like symptoms. Our specialists offer comprehensive care, from conservative treatments to minimally invasive procedures. We focus on relieving muscle tension, addressing nerve compression, and improving hip function to alleviate pain and enhance mobility.
Post-Stroke Treatment
Swallowing difficulties following a stroke can make eating challenging. Many individuals have had little hope and have had to rely on a feeding tube for nutrition — until now. Our specialists offer a groundbreaking procedure that transplants nerves to restore function to the portions of the larynx that are not working properly, allowing patients to resume an oral diet and greatly improving their quality of life.
Pressure Sore Management
Pressure sores are injuries affecting the skin and underlying tissues, often occurring on bony areas such as the heels, ankles, hips, and tailbone. Those with a medical condition that limits their ability to change positions are most at risk. We offer many procedures to treat and manage pressure sores, including flap surgery and nerve grafting, to relieve discomfort.
Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal cord injuries can result in loss of sensation, movement, or the ability to breathe unassisted. We perform surgical procedures that can restore a patient’s sense of independence and freedom, including phrenic nerve surgery to help patients breathe without a ventilator and nerve grafting with flap surgery to restore sensation to the hip and buttock areas in paraplegics with recurrent pressure sores.
Ventilator Dependency
Many conditions can cause patients to become dependent on a ventilator to breathe. We offer several treatment options that restore a patient's ability to breathe independently, including surgically implanting a diaphragm pacemaker or phrenic nerve stimulator. We also perform our revolutionary phrenic nerve reconstruction surgery, which can include nerve decompression and nerve grafting to improve function.
Diabetic Neuropathy
Diabetic neuropathy can cause significant pain and complications. Our multidisciplinary team offers comprehensive management, from medication to advanced interventions. We focus on pain relief, preventing progression, and addressing associated foot problems to help patients maintain function and quality of life.
FLAP Surgery
Skin is our body’s most vital organ, providing protection from infection and disease. When skin is damaged due to trauma or injury, we become vulnerable to complications. Our specialists employ cutting-edge surgical procedures, such as skin grafts and skin flap surgery, to permanently replace missing or damaged skin.
Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a chronic, often debilitating condition that causes painful nodules and abscesses around the apocrine sweat glands. When conservative treatments aren’t enough, we use advanced surgery to restore movement and reduce pain. Working with a plastic surgeon and rheumatologist, our team will tailor your treatment plan to your needs.
Hidradenitis Suppurativa Excision Surgery
For patients with severe hidradenitis suppurativa, our surgeons offer expert excision procedures. We carefully remove affected tissue and reconstruct the area to promote healing. Our goal is to reduce recurrence, minimize scarring, and improve patients' quality of life by alleviating chronic inflammation and discomfort.
Pilonidal Cysts
A pilonidal is a cyst or abscess near or on the natal cleft of the buttocks that can become infected, causing pain and discomfort. Our surgeons perform a unique procedure that combines cyst excision and flap closure with laser hair removal, both treating the cyst and preventing its recurrence — improving quality of life for our patients.
Post-Surgical Wounds
Managing post-surgical wounds is crucial for optimal healing. Our wound care specialists offer advanced treatments, from specialized dressings to negative pressure therapy. We focus on promoting rapid healing, preventing infections, and minimizing scarring to ensure the best possible surgical outcomes.
Pressure Ulcers
Pressure ulcers require expert care to promote healing and prevent complications. Our wound specialists offer comprehensive management, from advanced dressings to surgical interventions. We focus on relieving pressure, optimizing nutrition, and addressing underlying factors to promote healing and improve patient comfort.
Skin Graft Surgery
Our plastic surgeons perform advanced skin graft procedures to treat various conditions, from burns to complex wounds. Using carefully harvested healthy skin, we cover damaged areas to promote healing and restore function. Our goal is to achieve optimal graft survival and aesthetically pleasing results.
Wound Debridement
When patients develop wounds that won’t heal, they are at risk for infection or more serious consequences such as amputation. We help patients manage and heal their open wounds. For severe wounds, we offer reconstructive procedures such as skin grafts or skin flap surgery to provide a covering for open wounds.
Yesenias Story
Maeves Story
I put my faith in
Dr. Elkwood.
Loris Story
I felt like I was
Carters Story
Bidemis Story
I don't know where
I would be.
Teris Story
I've found new purpose.
Joses Story
I had no pain,
I had no discomfort
Donnas Story
I don't have to live
in fear anymore!
Lisas Story
Jays Story
I owe my life to Dr. Kaufman
Johns Story
Madisons Story

We’ve changed the
lives of people from all
over the world.

Specializing in rare and uncommon conditions, The Institute provides access to the world's most accomplished doctors, state-of-the-art surgical techniques, and advanced medical technologies. Our proven track record speaks volumes, turning the seemingly impossible into reality.

Click on each person’s photo to hear more about their story.

While others ask what’s
next, we develop it.

Clinical Studies
Dedicated to cutting-edge research, we're not just treating conditions; we're advancing medical frontiers. Our relentless pursuit of breakthroughs, coupled with a collaborative problem-solving approach, places us at the forefront of the advanced reconstruction industry. Leaders seek us out for the latest innovations, knowing that we persistently raise the bar on what's possible.
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