- Persistent or intermittent pain in the forearm
- Weakness in the wrist or hand
- Tenderness or discomfort along the outer part of the elbow or forearm
- Difficulty gripping or holding objects
- Tingling or numbness in the hand or fingers
Radial Tunnel Syndrome
The primary goal of treating radial tunnel syndrome is to alleviate pain, reduce nerve compression, and restore normal function to the affected arm.
Non-surgical approaches involve a combination of rest, medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications to alleviate symptoms, reduce inflammation, and improve overall function. Surgical options, usually performed on an outpatient basis, are considered when non-surgical treatments fail to provide relief. They aim to directly address the compression of the nerve within the radial tunnel, thereby reducing pain and improving functionality in the affected arm.
Non-Surgical Treatments
Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or naproxen to manage pain and inflammation.
Physical Therapy
Exercises targeting forearm strength and flexibility, along with techniques to improve nerve gliding.
Bracing or Splinting
Using braces or splints to limit mobility, aid in resting the affected area, and reduce pressure on the nerve.
Steroid Injection
A steroid injection may be performed in an attempt to help reduce swelling and inflammation around the nerve, as well as alleviate pain.
Surgical Treatments
Radial Tunnel Release Surgery
A synovectomy is an outpatient procedure that removes the inflamed synovial lining of a joint to reduce pain and swelling. In addition to reducing inflammation and pain, this procedure may potentially slow down joint damage in cases where conservative treatments have not worked.
Contact Us Today
Why Patients Trust the Center for Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Our advanced out-patient surgery center is led by renowned orthopedic and plastic surgeons who specialize exclusively in upper extremity procedures. As the pioneers in advanced nerve reconstruction, we are among few in the world with the expertise to perform these complex procedures. In choosing our center for care, patients gain access to state-of-the-art diagnostics and treatments in a more private environment that ensures the highest standards for safety, quality, and continuity of care.
When to Seek Medical Attention
If you experience persistent or worsening forearm pain, weakness in hand movements, tingling or numbness that doesn't improve with rest, or if these symptoms hinder your daily activities or affect your hand's functionality, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and guidance to prevent potential worsening of the condition.
Frequently Asked Questions
Radial tunnel syndrome is typically caused by compression of the radial nerve as it passes through the radial tunnel in the forearm. This compression can occur due to repetitive motions, direct trauma, or anatomical factors.
Diagnosis often involves a thorough examination by a healthcare professional, which may include physical tests to assess strength, nerve function, and areas of tenderness. Electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies can also help in confirming nerve involvement. Your surgeon may also recommend an ultrasound guided nerve block to help diagnose the condition.
Surgery is considered if non-surgical treatments fail to alleviate symptoms. It's recommended when symptoms persist, worsen, or significantly affect daily activities. Surgical options involve releasing the compressed nerve or removing structures causing the compression.
Recovery times can vary, but typically, patients can expect to mobilize their extremity immediately after surgery. Full recovery of the nerve may take several weeks to months, depending on the individual and the extent of the surgery.
While it may not always be preventable, certain measures such as avoiding repetitive motions that strain the forearm, using proper ergonomic techniques, and taking breaks during activities involving the arm can help reduce the risk of developing radial tunnel syndrome.