Your Surgery

At The Center for Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, our team of renowned specialists is dedicated to providing personalized, state-of-the-art surgical care to help you overcome your condition and restore function to your affected limb. Whether you require a complex reconstructive procedure or a minimally invasive surgery, we are committed to delivering exceptional outcomes and supporting you every step of the way.

How to Prepare for Surgery

Preparing for your upcoming surgery is important to ensure a smooth and successful experience. Here are some key steps you can take to get ready:

  • Complete any required pre-operative testing or appointments as directed by your care team
  • Arrange for someone to drive you to and from the surgical facility on the day of your procedure
  • Prepare your home environment for your recovery, such as setting up a comfortable space on the first floor
  • Review any pre-operative instructions provided by our team, including guidelines on eating, drinking, and medication use
  • Compile a list of questions to discuss with your surgeon prior to the operation


What to Expect


On the day of your surgery, you can expect the following:

  • You will meet with your surgical team to review the procedure and address any final questions
  • You will be given medications to help you relax and remain comfortable throughout the operation
  • Your surgeon will perform the surgery using advanced techniques tailored to your unique needs
  • After the procedure, you will be closely monitored as you begin the initial stages of recovery

Your care team will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions to guide you through the recuperation process. This may include information on wound care, physical therapy, activity restrictions, and pain management.


What should I eat and drink before surgery?
You will likely receive instructions to stop eating and drinking at a certain time before surgery. This is to prevent complications during anesthesia.
Can I take my medications before surgery?
Discuss all medications you take with your doctor beforehand. They will advise you which ones to stop or continue taking before surgery.
What should I bring to the hospital?
Pack comfortable clothes, toiletries, and any medications you've been instructed to take. Bring a list of your medications and allergies as well.
What are the risks and complications of surgery?
No surgery is without risks. Your doctor will explain the potential risks and complications associated with your specific procedure.
How long will the surgery take?
The surgery duration can vary depending on the complexity of the procedure. Your doctor will provide an estimated timeframe during your consultation.
What will happen after surgery?
You will likely spend some time in recovery before being transferred to a hospital room or discharged home (depending on the surgery).
Will I experience pain after the surgery?
It is normal to experience some discomfort following your operation. Your care team will work closely with you to manage your pain through a combination of medication, ice, elevation, and other techniques.
What limitations will I have after surgery?
You may have restrictions on activity, lifting, or driving for a certain period after surgery. Your doctor will provide specific instructions.
What signs should I watch for after surgery?
Be aware of signs of infection, such as fever, redness, or swelling at the incision site. Report any concerning symptoms to your doctor.

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to discuss them with your surgeon or a member of our dedicated care team.

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