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Premier Locations

in New Jersey and Ohio

Explore our state-of-the-art locations in New Jersey and Ohio staffed by world-class surgeons specializing in hand, arm, and upper extremity procedures. Browse our locations to find the expert care you need.

Telemedicine Visits Available

Do I need to be an existing patient to schedule a telemedicine appointment?
No. We are welcoming new patients, as well as existing patients, to schedule telemedicine appointments with us.
What type of equipment is required?
You will need a smartphone with the camera and microphone enabled, along with a strong Internet connection. You do not need to download an app or create an account to get started.
What if I don’t have a smartphone with a camera?
If you can’t connect through video call, we will conduct a phone consultation with you.
What if I miss my phone call?
If you miss your first phone call, we will call back a second time during the window of time provided. If we aren’t able to connect after a second attempt, we will have to reschedule your visit for another time.
What can I expect at the time of my appointment?
Prior to your appointment, you will receive a text message from a 5-digit number. Click the invitation link to connect with the physician for a secured video call. Please make sure your microphone is enabled when beginning the call.

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Discover our network of world-class physicians specializing in hand and upper extremity surgery.