Dr. Ashinoff

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March 1, 2019
March is Lymphedema Awareness Month
Lymphedema currently affect millions of people worldwide, however, many people are still unfamiliar with this condition...
September 28, 2018
Breast Reconstruction – Advancements and Revisions
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! With awareness efforts in full swing, the topic of breast reconstruction is...
March 16, 2018
A Novel Approach to Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy
Dr. Adam Saad, Dr. Michael Rose, and Dr. Russell Ashinoff recently published a research article in Plastic Surgery...
March 25, 2015
Dr. Ashinoff Featured in APP Overview of Lymphedema
“The goal of our surgical procedure is to improve or alleviate the symptoms of lymphedema. The goal is to improve the...
February 13, 2014
Institute for Advanced Reconstruction Doctors Published in Anesthesia Journal
Doctors Kaufman, Elkwood, Rose, Patel, and Ashinoff share research on a primary cause of phrenic nerve damage in this...
August 22, 2013
Dr. Russell Ashinoff of The Plastic Surgery Center Performs Double TRAM Flap
Iwona Zurawska was a 38-year-old new arrival to the United States from Poland in 1998 when she took advantage of an...
August 7, 2013
Physicians of The Institute for Advanced Reconstruction Publish Article on Revolutionary Phrenic Nerve Procedure
The physicians of The Institute for Advanced Reconstruction in Shrewsbury, New Jersey, have published an article on...
August 7, 2013
Young Burn Victim Undergoes Surgery to Minimize Extensive Scarring
Dr. Russell Ashinoff Performs Surgical Procedures to Minimize 15-Year-Old’s Extensive Scarring. When she was three...
July 3, 2012
Twin Sisters’ Torment Led to Breast Reduction Surgery
Twins Tanesha and Tiwan Sweet spent their whole lives in physical and emotional pain. It began in middle school, with...
January 30, 2012
New Jersey Woman Has Radical Body Sculpting Surgery
“When a patient has a large amount of skin and fat of the lower abdomen, it is really a vicious cycle. It prevents her...
December 30, 2011
New Jersey Surgeon Saves Teen’s Hand After Near Amputation by Train
Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon Dr. Russell Ashinoff Performs Complex Hand Surgery “I can tell the time of day by the...
December 29, 2011
New Jersey Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon Dr. Russell Ashinoff Featured on 1450 WCTC
New Jersey reconstructive plastic surgeon Dr. Russell Ashinoff from the Institute for Advanced Reconstruction was...
November 30, 2011
Nipple Sparing Mastectomy Less Likely to Produce Cancer Recurrence
By Russell Ashinoff, M.D. Breast reconstruction after breast cancer surgery is one of the most commonly performed...
March 31, 2011
Complex Reconstructive Procedure Performed By NJ Surgeon To Rebuild Man’s Ear
Dr. Russell Ashinoff
December 13, 2010
New Lymphedema Treatment Shows Promise for Patients
Doctors at the Plastic Surgery Center in Shrewsbury, NJ, are optimistic about the results of a new treatment for...
May 27, 2010
Patient Regains Hand Function Following Complex Reconstructive Procedure
SHREWSBURY, NJ – MAY 27, 2010 – The Plastic Surgery Center today announced the successful results of a complex...