Arm and Hand Paralysis

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May 3, 2012
Dr. Andrew Elkwood Featured for Stroke Awareness Month
Correcting Clenched Fist and Arm Paralysis and Foot Drop By Walt Kilcullen
April 17, 2012
Stroke Awareness and Treatment
According to The American Stroke Association, public knowledge of stroke is low. That’s why The Institute for Advanced...
May 27, 2010
Patient Regains Hand Function Following Complex Reconstructive Procedure
SHREWSBURY, NJ – MAY 27, 2010 – The Plastic Surgery Center today announced the successful results of a complex...
May 6, 2010
Top 10 Problems Patients With Disabilities Do Not Need to Tolerate
While many conditions associated with paralysis are typically considered untreatable, The Institute for Advanced...
March 2, 2010
Patient Regains Mobility in Paralyzed Arm After Nerve Transfer
SHREWSBURY, NJ – February 25, 2010 – The Plastic Surgery Center today announced the successful results of a rare nerve...